How do I place an order?
To place an order, simply add all desired items to your shopping cart. To place any of the items in a shopping cart, simply click on its price on its individual product page under “Buy Now.” To remove an item, simply click ‘Remove’ link.
Is it safe shopping online?
We keep all your information private and secure. All orders are placed through our secure server. And we will not release an iota of this information to any third party.
What are your payment options?
We happily accept all major credit and debit cards, as long as it has a Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express symbol on it. To do this we have partnered with, a Secured Payment Gateway.
What are your shipping rates?
Shipping rates have been kept nominal. A flat shipping rate of $ 25.00 is charged across all regions. These varies on container weight and distance. Shipping is dispatched within 24 hrs.
Do you ship to International destinations?
Yes, to all countries
We ship orders to most countries through DHL & EMS speed post. Delivery takes around 5 – 10 days, depending on the location.
Shipping rates are automatically calculated during checkout based on weight and distance. Please email us if there are additional questions about international or domestic shipping .
How do I send a gift to another address?
To send to a different address, simply select “or enter a new address” in the shipping address section of checkout and enter the gift recipient’s address.
All your purchases may be gift-wrapped at no additional charge. Simply select “yes” when prompted “Is this a gift?” in checkout and select the items you’d like to get wrapped. Our round tea tins, not conducive to wrapping, are instead packaged in our beautiful decorative gift-boxes.
Can I combine two shipping into one order to save on shipping?
Unfortunately, shipping is charged per package, so all orders going to a separate address must be placed separately and shipping must be charged for each one. We charge US$25 Flat Shipping.
Where’s your phone number?
Toll Free Number coming soon.
If there are any specific questions or problems placing an internet order, please Email us